Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Ku bangga~

Berikut adalah Lirik Lagu Wali band - Ku Bangga :

Ketika cinta yang
Yakini diriku hadir dalam hariku
Tak mungkin ku berpaling
Meninggalkan ketulusan

Walau nanti kau takkan pernah bersamaku lagi
Atau ku telah tiada takkan kembali

Kubangga kubisa
Mencurahkan rasa
Yang dahulu tak pernah ada
Kan ku beri cinta
Yang selalu terjaga
Indah dan abadi adanya

Walau nanti kau takkan pernah bersamaku lagi
Atau ku telah tiada takkan kembali

Kubangga kubisa
Mencurahkan rasa
Yang dahulu tak pernah ada
Kan ku beri cinta
Yang selalu terjaga
Indah dan abadi adanya

Kubangga kubisa
Mencurahkan rasa
Yang dahulu tak pernah ada

Kubangga kubisa
Mencurahkan rasa
Yang dahulu tak pernah ada

Kubangga kubisa
Mencurahkan rasa
Yang dahulu tak pernah ada

Bazaar, bazaar, bazaar~~

Since unisel was open to students last week, there is a bazaar here for students to hang out.  There are variety of food choice such as char kuey teow, bakso, nasi ayam madu, KFC, etc.. oh,ya.. KFC stands for Kelantan Fried Chicken.  ;P

Since my heart is from Kelantan, I support those sellers from the Cik Siti Wan Kembang's state.  I bought the cendawan goreng, which is my favourite from the KFC.  

What makes me crazy is when I see the choices of tudungs, telekungs, selendangs, brooch, and yes; make-ups!

Yesterday I went to the bazaar with my dearie hana, anis, aleena, n ff; of coz.  ff said dun bring too much money as she only brings RM5 to avoid us spending too much. "Ok." I said.  Yet, I choose not to hear her advise and bring RM15.  Guess what?? I think I didn't buy much.  Yaa... only ate bakso which is RM3.50 with lychee RM1.50, cendawan goreng which I bought 2 sets of it; RM4, jagung manis, 2 sets of it which is a set for ff; RM4, a fake eyelashes for my elder sis which is RM5.  Back from the bazaar, we saw a very cute kitten, together with her/ his mom.  So, seeing them, I wento the cafe and bought some rice with fish which cost RM4. Sum up all equals to RM22 and ya. Hana lends her money to me. hehehehe.. She's a saviour.  

That's yesterday's story.  Today, after Mr. Siva's class, I wento the bazaar again this morning with Nana, Izzati, n ff.  I bought 2 telekungs: 1 for my elder sis, and the other is for me.  Ibu asked me to buy the telekungs.  And then I said I wanted to just looking at the tudungs.  Guess what?  I bought a tudung there.

After going back to the hostel, ibu called and I tell her what I bought.. Then only I remembered that I didn't buy anything for my adik.  So, this evening, together with ff and hana, I went there again and bought a selendang for her.  And yes, 2 tudung for me again and a tudung for ibu.

In conclusion,  what I want to stress here is that ff, RM5 to bazaar is not enough and yes...  To girls; try to save more money and dun simply go window shopping coz it will only turns to door shopping which welcome u to spend more. huhu...  It is a reminder to myself too.  :D

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Isteri Bangla~

Seorang pekerja dari Bangladesh berbual dgn rakannya.

Bangla:  Esok saya nak balik Bangladesh, isteri saya mengandung 3 bulan.

Rakan:  Oh, mesti awak gembira ye..

Bangla:  Sudah semestinya.. dah 3 tahun saya tak balik Bangladesh jmpa isteri.

Rakan:  ????????


Suami:  Abg tgk dr smalam kipas angin tu terpasang, syg... kan ke membazir tu? Naik bil elektrik kita nanti.

Isteri:  Jangan bimbang, bang.. Tu saya pinjam kipas dari jiran sebelah!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Tak siapa berani curi

Di zoo, seorang ketua memarahi pekerjanya.

Ketua:  Kenapa kau tak kunci kandang singa ni smlm?? Bahaya tau tak??

Pekerja:  Ala bosss.... Rileks la, mana ada org berani curi...

Ketua:  !@@###@$$%##!!!!!

Brape banyak sorry la...???

Amin terlanggar seorang pelancong 'mat salleh' sewaktu berjalan2 di Bukit Bintang walk lalu berkata, 

Amin:  I'm sorry...

Pelancong:  I'm sorry too.

Amin:  I'm sorry three.

Pelancong:  What are you sorry for???

Amin: I'm sorry five.

Pelancong: ??!!@@###@!!!!

Mama, sy dpt markah 100%!!

"Mama, hari sy dapat markah keputusan peperiksaan 100%!!" kata yani kepada mamanya.

"Yeke?? Mcm ni lah anak mama... Markah keputusan subjek apa tu yg kamu dpt??" 

"Matematik dpt 30%, Sejarah 25%, Bahasa Inggeris 25%, dan Sains 20%!" yani beritahu dengan bangganya.  :P


Staying up till now in my new room in the hostel made me thinking. Of everything. Everything.  I'm tired. Really2 tired.  I look out at the hostels...  suddenly reminds me of the most tiring day in the world. 

Wednesday.  23rd June 2010.

That day was history.  History that changed the students' life. Who? My friends and I.  Why? Here; I'll tell you why..

That day, my ibu was on leave.  Why? to help me finding a rent house since I didn't get the hostel.  My ibu sacrifices a lot for me. A lot. A lot.  She sacrifies her time just to help me finding a rent house in BB.  My dad?  He was there too. Although he has to go for a course at Berjaya Timesquare hotel that day, he still gave his time to me.  Together we go there n try to find the houses as my dad has been searching the empty rent house online earlier.

However, when we arrived Bukit Tagar Tol around 10 a.m. , my ayah asked me.  "Nak pergi cari rumah kat mana dlu?"

Silent. I was thinking.

"Urm... Nani rasa.. Nani nk singgah Unisel dulu lah ayah.. Nk check knp Nani tak dpt hostel.  Nani pelik. Boleh tak ayah?"

  • Then my dad drove the car to Unisel.  There the journey started.  First, I went to Jana Niaga's office at cafe.  The clerks incharged there said that the name list was with En. Fauzan, Unit Residen at chancellery. They asked me to go there n find him.
  • Then I went to HEP there n meet En. Fauzan.  He was in a meeting.  Waited for him there with my ibu accompanying me.  With patience.  Ayah was waiting in the car.  Then there En. Fauzan came.  He asked me whether I'm a final student. I said yess and he thought I lied because the faculty stated that I'm not.  Then I asked him to show me the list and all my classmates application for hostel were also been rejected.  N there stated that we are not final students.  I was shocked.  However, En. Fauzan asked me to get a permission from the faculty to approved that I'm a final sem student.  
  • I went to the faculty.  The clerk incharge was on the phone.  I waited again there. For few few few minutes... Then she said that I have to ask the Admin Registrar for the permission. 
  • After that, I went to A.R.'s room.  He's on the phone.  Waited again there. Oh, yes.. of course.. with my ayah n ibu accompanying me.  After few minutes, A.R called me in and I asked him about it.  He asked me to get it from our H.O.P..
  • There I go again.. to HOP's room.  She was not there.  I called her and she said try to find other HOP for the permission.  However, no one was there.  I was really upset.  My mood n filter running low.  Feel like giving up. 
  • Ibu ask me to go again to the A.R.  Luckily he was there. phiewhh.. so tired of walking here n there.  And he cant approve me.  Why??  Because he said that in the system, my credit hours is not enough and it shows that I'm not a final sem student.  However, I gave him our HOP's number n he called her.  Our HOP explained that I'm a final sem student n the credit hours is not enough because they do it manually.  So it's not in the system yet.  
  • So, the A.R, En. Zaini, helped me.  I asked him what's happening.  He explained to me that actually, when the Residential Unit sent the residential applicants' name list to the faculty to endorsed the final sem students, the HOP was not there.  So they just simply take the name list n check from the system.  In the system, our credit hours are not enough due to manually registration.  So they didn't endorsed our name as the last sem's students.  He gave permission to me and his contact number. He called En. Fauzan to tell the situation but En. Fauzan was in a meeting.  Then he asked me to meet En. Fauzan again.
  • Again, I went to meet En. Fauzan... He was in a meeting n I waited for quite some time... At last,  I talked to his assisstant and the girl take the note given by En Zaini to En Fauzan as I asked her to tell En. Fauzan.  En. Fauzan called En. Zaini and he came to me...  He said he can't blame anyone for the mistakes...  He doesn't know how to do.. Because that day he was supposed to upload the namelist for third phase students' name online. 
  • However, he approved me to get the hostel and asked me to tell my classmates who applied the hostels to come n get the permission and he promised to help...  He said that if I didn't come and tell him, he didn't know about that and my friends also will never get the chance to get the hostels..  Friends.. u should thank me u know? haha...
  • Phiewhh...  I was really happy. happy because managed to save my friends as well.  So I went to Jana Niaga after paying the fees and get a house!  

Really a tiring day because I keep on running here and there that day as En. Fauzan asked me to be quick to settle the matter all by 12pm! and I arrived there around 10.45pm..  Luckily I managed to settle the matter. huhuuu.... Pity my ibu n ayah for running here and there and sacrifices their time too.. After that, we straightly go to Berjaya Timesquare to send ayah and luckily we managed to arrive on time for the course registration.


P/S:  Congrats kepada kawan2 yg dapat duk hostel...   :)

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Still, till today. I dunno what am I going to write in my blog.

I have lotsa lotsa ideas to run. But they keep on running in my head.

Till I can’t catch even one of them. Blurr. Still blurr.


Today is my first day to start going to class again.

In this final sem.  I dun have any excited feelings to go to the class today.

Plus, our new schedule is as stated below:



Teaching of Literature in ESL

5.30-9.30pm, Self-Access Room A

Lecturer: Madam Katipah Abd. Ghani



Text and Discourse Analysis

8.30-11.30am, Self-Access Room B

Lecturer: Mr. Siva



Teaching English for Specific Purposes

8.30am-12.30pm, PG3

Lecturer: Mejar Hazrie


How to do, how to say. I hate classes in the evening. Plus, it’s Monday.  I love classes in the morning. Classes in the evening will just make me lazy to start with a fresh begin. Hmm.. Whatever it is, I will try my best to finish this sem successfully! Yebbadaa badoooo~~~~ 


Setiap insan yang hidup di muka bumi pasti lahir melalui ibunya. Ibunyalah yang mengandungkannya. Dengan penuh susah payah kandungan itu dibawa pada setiap masa ke setiap tempat. Selama lebih kurang 9 bulan lamanya. Selepas itu terpaksa pula bertarung dengan kesakitan yang amat dahsyat melahirkannya. Ibu sanggup menaruh nyawa untuk kelangsungan hidup anak yang bakal dilahirkan.

Selepas itu menyusukannya pula dengan penuh kasih sayang, membesarkannya, mendodoikan tidurnya, menyikatkan rambutnya, memandikannya, memakaikannya dengan pakaian, mendidiknya, memujuknya, bermain dengannya, menyapu air matanya, mendukungnya ke mana sahaja tempat dituju dan sebagainya. Pendek kata, keseluruhan hidup insan akan sentiasa melibatkan ibunya. Tidak pernah putus belas kasih, sayang dan sumbangan ibu kepada anaknya sejak sebelum lahir sehingga mencecah usia insan itu pada hari ini.

Darjat ibu sangat tinggi. ALLAH subhanahu wata’ala selalu berfirman di dalam al-Quran tentang kepentingan menghormati ibu dan bapa. Antaranya:

وَاعْبُدُوا اللَّهَ وَلا تُشْرِكُوا بِهِ شَيْئًا وَبِالْوَالِدَيْنِ إِحْسَانًا

“Sembahlah ALLAH, janganlah kamu mempersekutukanNYA dengan sesuatu pun dan berbuat baiklah kepada dua orang ibu dan bapa kamu.” - Surah an-Nisa: 36.

قُلْ تَعَالَوْا أَتْلُ مَا حَرَّمَ رَبُّكُمْ عَلَيْكُمْ أَلا تُشْرِكُوا بِهِ شَيْئًا وَبِالْوَالِدَيْنِ إِحْسَانًا“

Katakanlah: Marilah kubacakan apa yang diharamkan TUHANmu terhadapmu, iaitu janganlah kamu mempersekutukan sesuatu denganNYA dan berbuat baiklah terhadap kedua ibu dan bapa.” - Surah an-An’am: 151.

Tuntutan menghormati ibu dan bapa sangat penting sehingga ia sering disebutkan di dalam al-Quran secara bergandingan dengan ketaatan kepada TUHAN. Taat ALLAH, berbuat baik kepada ibu bapa. Iaitu, ia perkara yang paling penting selepas taat kepada ALLAH.

Kita dilarang menderhakai ibubapa. Penderhakaan kepada ibubapa akan mengundang kemurkaan ALLAH subhanahu wata’ala. Malah menderhakai ibubapa merupakan dosa besar yang memerlukan kita untuk bertaubat nasuha. Justeru, kita wajib patuh kepada mereka walaupun jika mereka bukan beragama ISLAM. Walaupun begitu, kita dilarang untuk mengikuti telunjuk ibu dan bapa kita sekiranya apa yang disuruh oleh ibubapa bercanggah dengan hukum syara’. Hal ini ada diriwayatkan dari hadith Nabi sallALLAHu ‘alaihi wasallam oleh Imam Ahmad yang maksudnya:

“Tidak ada ketaatan kepada makhluq dalam perkara maksiat kepada ALLAH AZZA wa JALLA”.

Mari kita merujuk kepada beberapa pesan Nabi sallALLAHU ‘alaihi wasallam tentang kepentingan menghormati ibu dan bapa supaya dapat kita menginsafi diri dan seterusnya berazam untuk menjadikan diri kita seorang hamba ALLAH yang bertaqwa dan anak yang soleh.

Abu Hurairah r.a berkata:

“Seorang pemuda berjumpa dengan Rasulullah sallALLAHU ‘alaihi wasallam dan berkata: Wahai Rasulullah s.a.w, siapakah orang yang lebih berhak mendapat layanan dan kasih sayangku? Nabi s.a.w berkata: Ibumu. Kemudian siapa pula? Nabi s.a.w berkata: Ibumu. Dia bertanya lagi: Kemudian siapa pula? Nabi menjawab: Ibumu. Bertanya lagi beliau: Kemudian siapa? Nabi s.a.w berkata: Bapamu.” - Hadith riwayat al-Bukhari dan Muslim.

Abdullah bin Amr bin al-’As r.a berkata yang maksudnya:

“Seorang pemuda berjumpa Rasulullah s.a.w dan meminta kebenaran baginda untuk menyertai jihad. Rasulullah s.a.w berkata: Adakah kedua ibubapa kamu masih hidup? Dia menjawab: Ya. Baginda berkata: Jadi jihad kamu adalah bersama mereka.” - Hadith riwayat al-Bukhari dan Muslim.

Ibnu Mas’ud r.a berkata yang maksudnya:

“Aku bertanya kepada Rasulullah sallALLAHU ‘alaihi wasallam, apakah amalan yang paling disukai ALLAH? Baginda s.a.w menjawab: Solat pada waktunya. Dan berkata aku: Selepas itu? Baginda menjawab: Kemudian memuliakan ibubapa. Dan aku berkata: Selepas itu? Baginda berkata lagi: Jihad di jalan ALLAH.” - Hadith riwayat al-Bukhari.

Daripada nas di atas, jelas bahawa menghormati ibu dan bapa sangat penting. Bahkan menjaga kedua ibu bapa adalah lebih diutamakan dari keluar menyertai jihad. Dalam sejarah Nabi sallALLAHU ‘alaihi wasallam, pernah Baginda s.a.w mengiktiraf seorang pemuda sebagai ‘penduduk langit’ hanya disebabkan oleh ketekunan pemuda tersebut menjaga ibunya yang sedang uzur. Walhal pemuda tersebut sangat ingin bertemu Nabi s.a.w. Pemuda tersebut memeluk ISLAM hanya melalui penduduk Yaman yang pernah berjumpa Rasulullah s.a.w. Beliau tidak pernah berjumpa Nabi s.a.w. Tapi hasrat beliau tersebut terpaksa diketepikan lantaran menjaga ibunya. Hatta, Nabi s.a.w pernah menyarankan para sahabat Baginda s.a.w mendoakan mereka dan memohon keampunan untuk mereka sekiranya dapat berjumpa dengan pemuda tersebut. Pemuda tersebut adalah Uwais al-Qarni.

Di dalam hadith atas juga dapat kita simpulkan bahawa keutamaan ibu lebih tinggi berbanding bapa untuk kita berikan perhatian. Ini kerana pengorbanan ibu dan bapa sama-sama besar, tetapi ibu lebih besar dari segi pengorbanannya keran ibulah yang mengandung dan menyusukan kita dalam tempoh yang panjang.

Mudah-mudahan tulisan ringkas ini dapat mengembalikan kita kepada landasan ajaran ISLAM dari segi menghormati ibu dan bapa. Setiap kita biasa melakukan kesilapan. Mudah-mudahan kesilapan kita diampuni ALLAH. Mohonlah keampunan ibu dan bapa kita selagi kesempatan masih ada.

Jagalah adab dan perlakuan kita, jangan sampai menginggung hati mereka. Sayangilah mereka, dan kalau boleh buatlah mereka sentiasa tertawa.